As someone who needs to use cloud-based systems, I am currently recommending a combination of Learning Catalytics (for RAPs) and TEAMMATES (for peer evaluation).

Other folks are unable to use cloud based systems (e.g., privacy laws in Canada prevent it) and so use non-could based systems.  Jim Sibley is your man for that kind of situation. :-)


Michael Sweet, Ph.D.
Senior Associate Director
Center for Teaching & Learning Through Research
Northeastern University
215-F Snell Library
360 Huntington Avenue
Boston, MA 02115
ph: 617.373.2833

From: Terryl Robinson <[log in to unmask]>
Organization: Studygroupit
Reply-To: Terryl Robinson <[log in to unmask]>
Date: Thursday, January 15, 2015 at 11:07 AM
To: Team-Based Learning <[log in to unmask]>
Subject: Is there any Software Support for TBL currently?

Hello everyone,


I am new to the Team Learning List Serve. I was hoping that someone may be able to tell me if there are any software programs, platforms or cloud-based services available that support the management and facilitation of all elements of TBL? If there are, please provide example and suggest those I should consider using. Thank you in advance for your help!





Terryl A. Robinson, MBA

CEO & Founder

StudyGroupIt, LLC
