Does anyone have application exercises to share for a basic statistics course?

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-------- Original message --------
From: Bill James <[log in to unmask]>
Date:09/15/2014 2:15 PM (GMT-05:00)
To: [log in to unmask]
Subject: Application Activities for advanced skill building in Social Work

I am new to TBL and need to generate Application Activities for a series of 12
modules that we call Safety Organized Practice in the Child Welfare field here in
California. It is a combination of Solution Focused Interviewing (as the primary
foundation), the ideas in Signs of Safety by Andrew Turnell and Steve Edwards,
ideas and material from the National Child Traumatic Stress Network, and reliance
on a decision support tool.

So, I need to develop activities the help learners (classes of 10-30 coming together
for 12 sequential modules) use a variety of practice tools to better engage with
families and plan for the family in a collaborative fashion.

This is a pretty broad request, so just pointing me toward some folks or schools
that have tried similar efforts would be helpful.

Bill James, LCSW
Practice Consultant
Academy for Professional Excellence
SDSU School of Social Work
6505 Alvarado Road, Suite 107
San Diego, CA 92120
Phone: 619-708-3175