First, I would like to thank everyone who provided resources for doing
Team Learning online.  I found the article:  "Team-based Learning in
Asynchronous Online Settings as well as the article in the newsletter
helpful.  I don't know if there are more resources for online classes or
not, but if there are, I'd appreciate receiving information about them.


My biggest question concerns the team RAT.  I understand that a period of
two days needs to be provided to allow everyone to make comments and post
to the team's discussion thread.  But I guess what I am wondering about
the most is what prevents students from going to their texts and looking
up the answers?  In a face to face environment this is much easier to


Also, from the article I read, it appears the Appeals process was not
implemented on line.  So I wondered if I might have misunderstand.  


Finally, I'd appreciate hearing from all who have used team learning on
line to learn your ideas, suggestions, or lessons learned.  I have a eight
week summer class, so I will need to start quickly to move them along.



Deborah Britt Roebuck, Ph.D. RCC

Professor of Management

Kennesaw State University

1000 Chastain Road MB 0404

Kennesaw, GA 30144
