This past year, TBL was implemented across the entire 1st year curriculum at my medical school. We kept the same teams throughout the year. Now these students will be entering their second year of our preclinical curriculum in which TBL will also be used extensively. Is it recommended that different teams be formed compared to their 1st year? If so, what criteria should be used to form the teams for the second year? We used the following criteria to sort teams for their first year of TBL:


1)    Greater than two years of full time clinical experience

2)    One to two years of full time clinical experience

3)    Advanced degree (masters or PhD) in a biomedical field

4)    Have taken a cadaveric dissection anatomy course

5)    Played a team sport in college

6)    Played a team sport in high school

7)    Like to learn by reading textbooks


If we use the same criteria for their second year this presumably would lead to more or less the same teams.


Thanks in advance-




Hugh Clements-Jewery, Ph.D.


Associate Professor of Physiology

West Virginia School of Osteopathic Medicine

400 N Lee Street

Lewisburg, WV 24901


Office: +1-304-793-6822

Fax: +1-304-645-4859