Hi Jennifer,

We have 2000+ students doing TBL in streams of 120, so students failing to complete the Peer Evals can be a problem.  We do the peer evalulations on-line, so we know when the are done (and when folk attempted to do them, but did not complete them). With so many students there are always some who don't complete the peer evaluation (for many many reasons, aside from forgetfulness).

I use two strategies. First, the peer evaluation is a compulsory assignment. ... that means it has to be done for the student to get any grade for the course. In other words, failing to complete the peer evaluation, results in them failing the course.

Secondly, we do some math to adjust the scores of team members where one (or more) members fail/are unable to complete the peer evaluations.

Kind regards

Peter Smith

Department of Management and International Business
The University of Auckland Business School, Private Bag 92019, AUCKLAND
Email: [log in to unmask], Phone: +64 9 923 7178

On 4 January 2013 06:27, Jennifer Imazeki <[log in to unmask]> wrote:
Hi all,

Has anyone else had issues with students who do not complete the team evaluations at the end of the semester? My students complete theirs online, though the LMS, and there are always a couple students who 'forget'. This fall, there were more than usual (at least seven out of a class of 55); one team was particularly bad so the resulting scores only came from three of the six members. I do make the consequence fairly severe - if they do not complete the evaluations, then they do not get to use the Team RA scores (that is, the weight that would have been given to the Team RAs is instead given to their individual RAs, which are generally substantially lower). For most students, this has the effect of lowering their final semester grade by at least a plus/minus, sometimes more. Of course, when they see their grade, THEN they remember that they were supposed to do the evaluations but it's too late since all the grades are submitted. But I've had to deal with a lot of whining...

What strategies do you all use to make sure the evaluations get done?

Jennifer Imazeki
Department of Economics
San Diego State University
homepage: jenniferimazeki.com
Economics for Teachers blog: http://economicsforteachers.blogspot.com