I second Bob's recommendation. Kahn was on the Diane Rehm's show back in 
October. It was an excellent show. It aligned well with TBL.



From: Robert Yantorno <[log in to unmask]>
To: [log in to unmask]
Sent: Sat, December 8, 2012 10:42:45 AM
Subject: Rethinking Education

Hi Everyone -

I am reading a really great book on education           - "The               One 
World Schoolhouse" by Salman Kahn. Amazing review           profile - see below. 
Note - not a single one or two star!!           Seems like there is a lot in 
common with TBL. Although Kahn           talks mainly about primary and 
secondary education what he           says could be applied to post secondary 
education. His process           of getting his undergraduate degree from MIT is 
quite           enlightening.
