The team, if they work together can easily defeat differential rankings by Person A rating Person B high and Person C low, Person B rating person C high and Person D low and so on.  If there is really a problem person in the group, they get a lower rating.  I would simply live with the pushback and insist people do it this way.  And besides, don't Doctors get rated this way anyway - who get the best internship, etc.


Joe Seltzer

Professor of Management

LaSalle University

From: Team-Based Learning [[log in to unmask]] on behalf of Kontio, Ken [[log in to unmask]]
Sent: Friday, November 30, 2012 3:39 PM
To: [log in to unmask]
Subject: Re: Team member peer evaluation scores

Hello all,

We are soon to be done our first kick at the TBL can and generally are happy with it. It was in a first year MED class. One issue that has come up is a very strong push back from students to ranking their team mates (at least one less than others and one more than others etc).  I think this was also the case with a friends attempt at her med school.  I still think there is value in students knowing that others don’t see them as pulling their weight or one’s score reflection one’s actions.  How have others dealt with this “relative ranking” in professional programs?





Dr. Ken Kontio B.Sc., M.D., M.Ed., FRCS(C)

Department of Surgery - Rm 3342

Children's Hospital of Eastern Ontario

401 Smyth Road

Ottawa, ON

K1H 8L1

Office   (613) 737-7600 x 2426

Fax      (613) 738-4840