Hello all you brilliant TBLers,

I was wondering if you could provide me your thoughts on the pros/cons?  My statistics class had a heart-to-heart on the quantity of work in my class and we were brainstorming ways to help with time estimates (me) and time management (students). One student suggested that we move the iRATs out of class and just do the tRATs in class.  Another student brought up the point that if we move the iRATs out of class, that doesn't help the too long to complete homework problem since that would either just add to the homework or displace some potentially important practice activities outside of class.

Anyway, I am having a really hard time coming up with the pros and cons for having the iRATs out of class and I told my class I'd see what your experience has been and I'd get back to them on that one. What are your ideas or experiences with iRATs outside of class?


Vanessa Preast, DVM PhD
Post-Doctoral Research Associate
N0221B Lagomarcino
Iowa State University
Ames, IA 50011