To be fair I'm just starting out.  But, I'm using TBL in a math course
(linear algebra) with iRATs outside of class like you describe - and I got
the idea from somebody on the listserv who was using that method in a
statistics course.
My instinct (and this is just an instinct, mind you) is that if you're
worried about them having too much work, you could shorten the homework
assignments - after all, they're doing some work now in class that they
would have traditionally done at home.

That's just my $0.02.

Kalman Nanes
Dept. of Math and Stat
University of Maryland - Baltimore County

On Thu, Aug 30, 2012 at 12:12 PM, Preast, Vanessa A [SOE] <[log in to unmask]
> wrote:

> Hello all you brilliant TBLers,
> I was wondering if you could provide me your thoughts on the pros/cons?
>  My statistics class had a heart-to-heart on the quantity of work in my
> class and we were brainstorming ways to help with time estimates (me) and
> time management (students). One student suggested that we move the iRATs
> out of class and just do the tRATs in class.  Another student brought up
> the point that if we move the iRATs out of class, that doesn't help the too
> long to complete homework problem since that would either just add to the
> homework or displace some potentially important practice activities outside
> of class.
> Anyway, I am having a really hard time coming up with the pros and cons
> for having the iRATs out of class and I told my class I'd see what your
> experience has been and I'd get back to them on that one. What are your
> ideas or experiences with iRATs outside of class?
> Best,
> Vanessa
> _____________________
> Vanessa Preast, DVM PhD
> Post-Doctoral Research Associate
> N0221B Lagomarcino
> Iowa State University
> Ames, IA 50011