We often ask "what grade do you expect to achieve?"... this sort of gets at academic achievement.....with the typical skew towards everyone expects an A

You might be able to achieve some of this discrimination with asking about background knowledge about the subject

Jim Sibley

Sorry for brief message -sent from my iPad

On 2012-07-02, at 9:18 AM, "Geiss, Roger" <[log in to unmask]> wrote:

> We are embarking on using TBL in a number of our second-year preclinical courses, and I am interested in knowing the criteria used by others to form teams in such classes. Some criteria are fairly straightforward, while others are not. In particular, how does anyone “get at” previous academic achievement without embarrassing low-achieving students. I suppose one could “preselect” using their transcripts, but that would compromise transparency.
> In addition to using (or not using) academic achievement, what other criteria do any of you use? Thanks much.
> Roger
> Roger W. Geiss, M.D.
> Professor and Chair
> Department of Pathology
> University of Illinois College of Medicine at Peoria
> 1 Illini Drive, Box 1649
> Peoria, IL 61656-1649
> Phone: 309-671-8440
> Fax: 309-671-8434
> E-mail: [log in to unmask]