As a 'warm-up' to the RAP I am going to use a modification of Jim Sibley's and Dean Parmalee's RAP questions for an introduction to TBL.  What I'm struggling with is trying to find a 'fun' activity that could engage students to get used to being in their team and getting a sense of the whole process.  If anyone has such an activity that they would be willing to share, please let me know.

On a separate issue, we are planning on providing a summary of the individual scores and team scores for each of the four units of the module throughout the module.  The summary would be placed in the team folders and would show team members' scores by name and the overall team score, and a summary of all the team scores.  If anyone else does this could you advise if you have any problems showing the student names and their scores?

Best wishes


Dr Jenny Morris
Associate Professor (Senior Lecturer) in Health Studies
Faculty of Health, Education and Society
University of Plymouth
Knowledge Spa
Truro TR1 3HD

Tel: 01872 256461

'High quality education for high quality care'
