Ethical conundrum:  I told my students that the purpose of a RAT is to assure that they understand the basic concepts of the assigned readings, so that we can go on to apply those concepts in class exercises.  This suggested to them that they need not study the material as intensively as they would for a regular course exam.  Shouldn’t I then create an iRAT on which a student who does the reading according to the reading guide will score 100%?  But, if most conscientious students score 100% on the iRAT, why do I need the tRAT?  It seems that, in order to justify the team process, I need to test them on the iRAT beyond the basic level at which I led them to study.  Isn’t this deceptive? 


Context:  I just completed teaching my first TBL course.  I converted my Clinical  Epidemiology course for first year medical students to the TBL format.  I followed standard TBL procedures as closely as possible, including iRATs followed by tRAT using IF_At answer cards.  Students who did not score 100% on an iRAT were upset.  I reassured them by telling them that I did not expect them to score perfectly and that missing some of the questions did not reflect on their adequacy as medical students.  If they were perfect on the iRAT, then there would be no need for the tRAT.  The students replied that they did not think it fair to ask them questions that count towards grades that I did not think they could answer correctly during the iRAT.  In other words, I set them up to fail, or to not be able to excel, which for many medical students is the same thing. 


I would appreciate your insights on this issue.




Michael Pollak, Ph.D.

Professor of Behavioral Sciences

Oklahoma State University Center for Health Sciences

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