Dear Michael,

I teach public management have students map their public service (paid or unpaid) experiences (direct or indirect) and share them. I do this before I create teams and use their experiences to balance the teams. The students realize the teams have been formed based on a set of criteria (e.g. composition and understanding of what people bring to teams are factors in team performance).

I use the leadership competencies in the course as a basis for peer evaluation. One of the course competencies is being a reflective listener and giving feedback based on reflection. This information is in the text, Master Manager by Quinn et al (2010). This competency links TBL to the course and management practice. The students actually develop management skills in their teams. I have no trouble with peer evaluation using this method as each member of the team becomes more reflective and caring toward other members.

Do medical students have leadership competencies such as reflective listening? Know their patients? Work with them collaboratively to diagnose and treat disease? If yes, perhaps you could include them in the TBL peer evaluation. They may perform at a higher level and become more reflective practitioners in the process.

All my best,


Yvonne D. Harrison, PhD
Assistant Professor, Public Administration and Policy
Rockefeller College, University at Albany, SUNY
Milne 111, 135 Western Avenue
Albany, NY, 12222
Office Phone: 518-442-4001
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From: Team-Based Learning [[log in to unmask]] on behalf of Pollak, Michael [[log in to unmask]]
Sent: Thursday, February 02, 2012 10:23 AM
To: [log in to unmask]
Subject: Peer Feedback Learning Exercise?

My students and I are all new to TBL and student peer feedback.  I am aware of many of the potential problems that we might encounter with having students rate each other and  would like to try to mitigate these issues by providing the students with some guidance about the process.  Before they complete the first set of peer evaluations of their teammates, I would like to have them complete a TBL application activity in class on giving effective feedback.  Does anyone have such an activity that they would be willing to share or can anyone point me to any resources to help me create my own?

Some context about my course.  This is a course in Clinical Epidemiology with about 100 first-year medical students.  This will be the first of two sets of evaluations.  This first one will not count towards grade; the second set of evaluations, which they will complete at the end of the course, will count towards grades.  I plan to use the Koles peer feedback form that contains some rating scales and some written comments.  I will not be formally rating the quality of the students comments.

Michael Pollak, Ph.D.
Professor of Behavioral Sciences
Oklahoma State University Center for Health Sciences
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