
Many of us are familiar with the work of our friends in the Peer Instruction community.  Some of us use both PI and TBL.  Each are models of the "flipped" or "inverted" classroom model in which content acquisition takes place outside of class and application takes place in class (as opposed to the traditional model where acquisition takes place in class via lecture and application takes place outside of class via homework.)

FYI, the Peer Instruction folks are standing up a community of practice of their own.  It's not as structured as the TBL Collaborative, but PI is cool in its own way and I wanted to let anyone know who is interested.

Brief article here:

(FYI, Julie Schell works half-time for Mazur at Harvard and half-time for the CTL here at UT Austin.)


Michael Sweet, Ph.D.
Director of Instructional Development, Center for Teaching and Learning
MAI 2206  |  Mail Stop G2100  |  (512) 232-1775  |