I'd have to see the details.  Most likely culprit is that
questions are flawed, structurally.  Let me see a sample
of their questions.  

Dean Parmelee


Did this happen for all teams or just specific teams? I used iRATs and tRATs for the first time last semester and had one team (out of 6) that consistently scored lower on the tRAT than two of its members on their iRATs. I attribute this to personalities - there were a couple of really dominant people in the group who tended to have low iRAT scores. The students with high iRAT scores are more reticent, a bit lacking in confidence and I believe that this discrepancy was never overcome during the course of the semester. We had 5 RATs during the course of the semester and one of the students scored higher on every single iRAT compared to tRAT while the other student scored higher on 4 out of 5 iRATs.

I know that TBL is supposed to overcome personality differences within groups but probably can't do so 100% of the time. I am going to have more RATs the next time I offer the course so that students will have more frequent opportunities to build a good team dynamic. But I'm really curious to hear thoughts from people with more TBL experience.

Nadia M. Anderson
Assistant Professor, Department of Architecture
Iowa State University


Help please.  Any ideas on why the Trat scores in 4 TBL sessions were
lower than the Irat scores?  Average decrease of 1.5%.  Has anyone
experienced this or have advice?

Diane Rhodes
Pharmaceutics instructor, Duquesne Universiy.

Jim Sibley

Sorry for brief message -sent from my iPad

On 2012-01-09, at 8:11 PM, [log in to unmask] wrote:

> Message requiring your approval (7 lines) -------------------
> Help please.  Any ideas on why the Trat scores in 4 TBL sessions were
> lower than the Irat scores?  Average decrease of 1.5%.  Has anyone
> experienced this or have advice?
> Diane Rhodes
> Pharmaceutics instructor, Duquesne Universiy.