Dear all, 

I'm hoping to trial TBL as part of the educational programme for psychiatry residents in London, UK.  As far as I know, this is the first time that TBL has been used as part of formal training for doctors in the UK, and so I was hoping to evaluate the course to see if it could be used more widely.  I'm really excited by TBL as a concept from the reading around which I've done so far.  The reason for my email is that I was wondering what you experienced TBL-ers had found were the most useful ways of evaluating courses?  I plan to test residents' knowledge and also get them to fill in satisfaction questionnaires, and lecturer responses (probably by qualitative interviews) but I would also like to evaluate learner engagement and attitudes to teamwork.  Do you know of good tools or questionnaires to measure those?  And are there any other key outcomes I should be looking to capture?

I'm new to this list, so apologies if this all seems a bit basic.  Any input would be very much appreciated.  

Many thanks, 


Dr Isabel McMullen MBChB MRCPsych
South London & Maudsley NHS Foundation Trust