There isn't really an online version

Dan Robinson at UT Austin has an in house application

An online version would likely violate mike epstiens copyright

You should only be using ifats for team version not you don't use many

Jim Sibley

Sorry for brief message -sent from my iPad

On 2011-10-18, at 2:47 PM, "Stock, Duane R." <[log in to unmask]> wrote:

IF-AT  forms as a substitute for Scantrons on RATs (RAPs) seem like a good idea.  But cannot find funds to buy IF-AT.    Is there some electronic , on line ,  substitute  for IF-AT forms?


I do worry about test security ( want to use RATs again)  if done on line.




Duane R. Stock, Price Investments Professor

205A  Adams Hall

Price College of Business

University of Oklahoma

Norman, OK  73019


work email: [log in to unmask]

home email: [log in to unmask]


work fax: 405.325.5491,   or  405.325.7688


work phone: 405.325.5690


home phone: 405.364.5347


cell phone:  405.808.9344


home address: 4112 Harrogate Drive

                                Norman, OK  73072