Hi Everyone,
I recently used TBL for 2nd year course in Animal Science students. (I
trialled TBL last year for the first time and these students had experienced
2 x TBL sessions in 2010). In 2/3 sessions students struggled with the
readings, and the average results for the i-FAT were less than 5. One
reading was a scientific review (and they needed to read only half of it)
and the other was a summary that I had made of the major diseases of dogs
and cats. Both were within the usual reading limits as far as no of pages
go. I was surprised as I didn't think the tests were so difficult, but in
talking to students realised they hadn't had a lot of practice at reading
written material and being able to recall the important points. I was
thinking next time of doing a short online powerpoint presentation where I
summarise the major points in the reading and add pictures to help them
scaffold their new learning. Has anybody had any similar experiences or has
suggestions for other approaches I could take? I don't do all of the
teaching in this course so it is a mixture of more traditional lectures and
TBL which is less than ideal I know, but the feedback from students overall
on using TBL was good, and they certainly actively participated.

Susan Hazel BVSc BSc(Vet) PhD GradCert (Public Health) MACVSc
Lecturer in Animal Behaviour, Welfare and Ethics
School of Animal & Veterinary Sciences
Roseworthy SA 5371 Australia
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