
That's why I think getting a real simple web hosting solution might be useful

Stay tuned

Jim Sibley

Sorry for brief message -sent from my iPad

On 2011-03-15, at 7:14 AM, "Patricia Weinstein" <[log in to unmask]> wrote:

> Some people have had difficulty installing iPeer, including myself. As
> previously posted, iPeer requires CakePHP, an open source web application
> framework for producing web applications. Unless it is installed on the
> server hosting iPeer, iPeer will not run. The way to rectify that is to
> download CakePHP (it's free) at http://cakephp.org/ and install it on the
> server where you have installed iPeer. My university does not have CakePHP
> installed but gave me some server space to install it myself. You can also
> install CakePHP on any other server where you may rent space, such as Lunar
> Pages.