At the TBL Collaborative Conference in New Orleans we heard that many of 
the groups are using a 50% individual component/50% team component to 
determine the final grade at many medical schools. We are piloting TBL and it 
is well received by our students - who participated in determining the 
weighting of exams (including OSCEs), the IRAT/GRAT, peer and team 
evaluations.   In our current pilot, we found that the team components failed 
to add any discrimination.  While we are still working on improving the quality 
of our application exercises, the data presented at the TBLC suggest that 
they won't discriminate even when well designed.  Given the fact that a major 
benchmark for all students is passage of USMLE exams, do any of you have a 
suggestion for possible changes that would promote the team focus but allow 
students to more accurately recognize their own performance and areas they 
need to work upon?  Thanks.
Karen Marcdante, MD
Senior Associate Dean for Education
Medical College of Wisconsin