Dear Colleagues,

I am looking for ideas on how other instructors keep the RAT questions
while a team is appealing.  My questions are on paper, as opposed to some
form of electronic display.  If only one team is appealing, I don't want to
class time for this one appeal, but would like to give the team until the
of the next class to hand in the appeal on a form I've created.  A student
copying a long
question can be tedious, and I don't want to give them ideas about
copying questions
anyway.  I won't let them take a copy of the questions outside of the
Usually one student remains after class to complete the appeal, but I would
like it to be more of a team effort.

Any advice on keeping the questions secure within my appeals process,
or recommendations for a better process?



Rick Goedde
Director of Management Studies
Associate Professor
Department of Economics

St. Olaf College
1520 St. Olaf Avenue
Northfield, MN  55057
Office: 507-786-3126