Hello all,
I wonder if students with similar anti-social issues could be diagnosed as having a disability, requiring special accommodation under US law. 
I will try to find out from my college, but if anyone knows the answer, I am interested.  Currently, I have a few students that may fit the bill. 
The strategies to help with these students are appreciated.  I will try them out.  Thank you.
Eddy Chi
Eddy Chi, MA
Assistant Professor, Economics
Humanities and Social Sciences Department
Moreno Valley College, Riverside Community College District
16130 Lasselle Street
Moreno Valley, CA 92551, USA
Phone: 951-571-6100
Fax: 951-571-6185

On Sun, Oct 17, 2010 at 8:08 AM, Sibley, Jim <[log in to unmask]> wrote:
Hi Dean

Very helpful

Probably a situation that may not have a good outcome but will have an outcome

A friend of mine that works in the mental health system believes there to be15-20% of people with personality disorders...this number was estimated from his employee and counselor pool

The amazing thing isn't that we get people like this...but that we don't get more

Something about all the social negotiation in the tbl classroom...maybe

$$$$$ I agree with Dean very strongly about setting really clear boundaries and limitations

When I get a problem student my typically range of responses

1. Talk with student
2. Talk to team about managing the student for extra credit....rub here is that it can't get in the way of their learning

Seems like many problem students do come around....but I doubt you will be so lucky

Not that I would ever do the following...but....I have always wondered about put such students in team of one.....lower tRat scores...no one to talk to....maybe they would come to see value in team mates....but I doubt it

Jim Sibley

Sorry for brief message -sent from my iPad

On 2010-10-17, at 7:22 AM, "Dean Parmelee" <[log in to unmask]> wrote:

> Dean Dianne, thank you for sharing this story.  Thankfully, there are not too many students out there with this kind of severe personality disorder.  Speaking as a psychiatrist,  some tips: (1) there is no treatment that works, so forget referring for counseling; (2) letting her know this last time that she will be by herself is good, get a zero if she can't behave; (3) firm and unequivocal limits/consequences is essential; she may make you feel sorry for her, which would be part of her manipulations - have no pity, as cruel as this sounds.  We too had one student like this in 9 years, and she will never be a practicing doctor.  The TBL helped us identify her early.
> Dean
> Sent from my iPad
> On Oct 16, 2010, at 4:53 PM, "York, Dianne" <[log in to unmask]> wrote:
>> Greetings,
>> I have a student in my introductory biology course that is quite a challenge for me. This is the third time I’ve had her my class. She failed the first go round, and did not work well with her team, then. More than halfway through that semester, she begged me to let her change teams. She said she could not see the board, and that she did not get along with her team. After a short conversation with her, I reluctantly agreed and moved her to the front, joining her with another team. It was immediately apparent that I’d moved her into a team with a friend of hers that also sat in the front row. They chatted their way through the rest of the semester.
>> Last semester, I assigned her to a team that sits in the front of the class. (I use a seating chart.) Right away she approached me and begged me to change her team to one that is seated near the rear of the class, presumably to be in a team with her friend. I steadfastly refused, reminding her that I know she needs to be in the front of the room. She stormed out of the room and withdrew.
>> This semester, I again assigned her to a team at the front. For several weeks, she sat with her friend on another team. She never even attempted to work with her team. We had several conversations after class, and she offered various reasons for her behavior, including she doesn’t get along with someone on that team, the team is “too full†, etc. Repeatedly, I told her that none of the students pick their team. I reiterated why that is and why she shouldn’t be in the same team as her friend (who also failed the class previously, BTW). I reassigned her to a different team because she stated difficulty (a “judicial†) with another student in her original team.
>> I was relieved when she seemed to be working with the new team. Then, one of her teammates came to my office stating that the student is reportedly distracting the others, not contributing, and basically sabotoging their efforts. Their team was working fine before the problem student joined. I spoke with another student in that team who agreed. So, I pulled her aside the other day and told her that she needs to fix things quickly or she will be a team of one for the rest of the semester.
>> Anyone have experience with a similar situation? Ideas? Advice?
>> I’ve been using teams for about 4 years now, 200 students per semester, 50 students per class. I’ve not had anywhere near this kind of resistance to teamwork before.
>> Dianne York, MS, MT(ASCP)
>> Lecturer, Biology
>> Lincoln University, PA
>> [log in to unmask]