
Over the last couple semesters, I have helped a fellow on campus here organize his 345 students into teams using the "Big Five Inventory"  (BFI).  The BFI is a personality meta-inventory, that boils down hundreds of other personality inventories into five main factors.  The factors are:

1. Extraversion
2. Agreeableness
3. Openness
4. Conscientiousness
5. Neuroticism (emotional stability)

More info on the BFI here:

Anyhoo, I made a Blackboard test of the 44 item short-form BFI instrument.  Once students have taken the test, we download the results into Excel, and run a little macro I made that calculates BFI scores for each student.  A little tweaking with Excel's "Sort & Filter" and:  TaDAH!  Well-rounded teams.

For your team-formation delight, I have attached everything you need to do this (as long as you use Blackboard at your campus AND you have Excel 2007 or later).

1) The Blackboard test (which I "exported" and you can "import" into your class).
2) The Excel sheet with macro in it (you must have Excel 2007 or later--earlier versions won't work).
3) A little handout I made to walk you through the process, screenshot by screenshot.



Michael Sweet, Ph.D.
Faculty Development Specialist
Center for Teaching and Learning (CTL)
University of Texas Austin
MAI 2206 * (512) 232-1775

"Teaching is the profession that makes all other professions possible." - Todd Witaker