Hello all

I'm interested to know if anyone has an approach to the following problem. We have recently introduced TBL to multiple concurrent courses in our first year MD program (4 parallel courses). The students stay in the same teams for all 4 courses. It is not clear to me how best to use peer evaluation in this setting. I have trouble recommending that the peer grade be applied to the group work (gRats etc) in all 4 courses but cannot think of another solution that properly employs peer feedback. I can also not face the thought of creating 4 different team groupings, one for each course. Has anyone else solved this conundrum?



Lindsay Davidson M.D., M.Sc., M.Ed., FRCSC
Associate Professor, Pediatric Orthopaedics
Phase III Director; Undergraduate MSK Course Chair
Queen's University, Kingston, Ont
(613)544-9626; Fax (866)-545-1519

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