Hi All,

I hope someone does something like I'm trying to do. Right now, I use grade
weights to do grades for my courses. They have their individual grade, team
grade, and I use peer helper scores to account for participation on the team
grade. However, students are often confused by "the math" of how this works.

I want to do a point based system, where they can add their points up. Sure,
it will be a little funky with the peer help score, but I can work this in.
Where I am unsure is in the letting them set the weights - I'm not sure how
to put this on the syllabus AND let them pick the weights. Maybe give them
the points afterwards? There seems like there *should* be an easier way to
do this.

If anyone does this and would like to share their syllabus or grading system
with me, that would be awesome.

University at Albany