Dear Friends,

I have a question about absent team members.  In the past I've always 
given students the tRAT score from their team when they missed a RAT day 
and a 0 for the iRAT. I'm teaching the same 100 students in their second 
round of TBL and notice the same guys tend to skip class as the last 
time. My students had a tendency to be quite lenient on their peer 
evaluations, so the skippers got the team points and still got pretty 
good peer evaluations last year (with a few brave members commenting 
"you should come to class more" but still not lowering their scores much).

I'm beginning to wonder if I should step in and say that absent students 
won't get the team score for the tRAT. The tRATs are what saved a few of 
them from failing last year. Am I teaching them that it's OK to be lazy 
and let your team take responsibility for it? Or should I be looking at 
the bigger picture that says, "See team! You have the power to let them 
sink or save them. It's up to you."--which is then teaching them the 
responsibility of being part of a team and what the real world is like.

Hmmmmm. . .

Please let me know what you think.


Christine Kuramoto, Assistant Professor: Medical English
Kyushu University, Department of Medical Education
Faculty of Medical Sciences
3-1-1 Maidashi, Higashi-ku, Fukuoka, 812-8582 Japan
Phone: (+81)92-642-6186 Fax: (+81)92-642-6188
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