Thank you everyone for your input!
> I'm confused.  It sounds like you use IF-ATs for both the individual and team tests.  (If you do, how do you get around the fact that they already have the correct answers before they take the team test?
Actually I use scan sheets and have them mark 3 times for each question 
(i.e. mark scan sheet #'s 1-3 for question 1, #'s 4-6 for question 2)  
They get 1 point for each correct choice (so 3 points if they marked all 
3 choices the same).

> I recommend using a points scheme that places a higher value on finding the IFAT star the first time (i.e., I use 4, 2, 1, lose half the credit with each unsuccessful scratch).
This is a great suggestion.  Now, how do I score the scan sheets with 
this system?  It was easy when each marked answer was worth 1 point, but 
how does it work in this situation?  (forgive me, I'm very 
mathematically impaired :-[ ).


Christine Kuramoto, Assistant Professor: Medical English
Kyushu University, Department of Medical Education
Faculty of Medical Sciences
3-1-1 Maidashi, Higashi-ku, Fukuoka, 812-8582 Japan
Phone: (+81)92-642-6186 Fax: (+81)92-642-6188
E-mail: [log in to unmask]