
I have long been a fan of "gallery walks" as ways teams can produce complex-but-fast-and-visual materials for each other to critique and discuss.

Given butcher paper, markers, and masking tape, teams can be asked to draw chemical chains, concept maps, subjective timelines, and so on.  However, I have only ever had a handful of options, so the "and so on" in the preceding sentence has always been kind of a fraud.

Until now.

One of the teachers I am working with sent me this link to a "Periodic Table of Visualization Methods."  Holy smokes!  Each of the dozens of methods will show you an example if you hover over it (some take a while to load), and they are labeled as Process visualizations or Structure visualizations, each needing Convergent or Divergent thinking.

Zowee.  This is a real resource!

It is here:


Michael Sweet, Ph.D.
Faculty Development Specialist
Division of Instructional Innovation and Assessment (DIIA)
University of Texas Austin
MAI 2206 * (512) 232-1775
"Teaching is the profession that makes all other professions possible." - Todd Witaker