Dear All,

As we are getting close to setting up our system in Singapore, I was
wondering how most of you handle the scoring of the applications?

For example, when groups just hold up flash cards - how do you determine
what the group's real/original/final answer is?  Or do you not score
flash card events or do you have the group submit their group answers
first - before they hold up the flash cards?

What if you do some type of project which is posted on the wall and the
teams vote on the best response - Do you give any points to that type of
activity or as one person suggested - take the group that accumulated
the most votes at the end of the (course, year, event) and give them a
prize of some sort?

What if there is a "more" right answer to a project - diagram -
description?  Do you score them on certain pre-determined criteria -
even though the class might vote?

Any other thoughts or suggestions?


Sandy Cook, PhD
Associate Dean, Curriculum Development
Duke-NUS Graduate Medical School Singapore

Phone: (65) 6516 8722
Fax: (65) 6227 2698