Members of the Team-Based Learning (TBL) listserv:

We just learned that JANE CONNOR, a professor of Psychology at SUNY-Binghamton, received the 2002-03 Chancellor's Award for Excellence in Teaching at that university.
        She attributes a major part of her success to her use of team-based learning.

Part of what is remarkable about this is that she achieved this level of excellence in classes with 400 students!  Here is what she had to say about this:
"What has me so excited about the teaching and team-based learning is the transformational nature of the teaching that I have been able to implement on a large scale. ...To give you a sense of things:
            The undergraduate advisor in the School of Education and Human Development interviewed 16 applicants for the positions of "peer advisor" and asked them: "What class has had the biggest impact on you since you have been at BU [SUNY-Binghamton]?" Of these, 11 named my class - this from a lecture hall course which currently enrolls 400 students."
If you want to contact her, her email is: [log in to unmask]

We have asked her to write up a synopses of what she does with TBL in this very large class setting so we can post it on the TLB website under "Successful Uses of TBL."
        She also mentioned that there will be a chapter about her teaching in a book coming out this fall called Dialogue Education at Work: Case Studies, edited by Jane Vella (Jossey-Bass, due out October, '03).

Our congratulations to you, Jane! We look forward to reading in more detail about how you use team-based learning in a this especially challenging kind of teaching situation.

Dee Fink

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L. Dee Fink, Director                   Phone: 405-325-2323
Instructional Development Program       Email:  [log in to unmask]
Hester Hall, Room 203           FAX:    405-325-7402
University of Oklahoma
Norman, OK  73019                       IDP Website:
Dee Fink's Website: