Karla said:
> I thought you might be interested in this Faculty Focus article on content
> coverage. It fits what we do in TBL. Karla
> http://tinyurl.com/6pmo86j
Indeed -- very useful.
A recent paper in my discipline (economics) came to a similar finding:
"The Cost of Economic Literacy: How Well Does a Literacy-targeted
Principles of Economics Course Prepare Students for Intermediate Theory
Courses?" http://www.unc.edu/~salemi/Papers/Gilleskie_Salemi_10_7_11.pdf .
I understand that these results pretty much jive with the findings of
cognitive scientists -- that our students would be better off if we
focused on a few key concepts instead of rushing through many.
- Bill
Bill Goffe
Department of Economics
SUNY Oswego, 416 Mahar Hall
Oswego, NY 13126
315-312-3444(v), 315-312-5444(f)
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