Ellen -
But, there is a large literature that says that learning styles don't
- Bill
> Can anyone tell me where to find a copy of the Learning Style Quiz (based on Kolb) that Larry gave out in one of his workshops?
> The quiz/handout has 1) short questions in a quiz then 2) students add up the numbers they learn their Learning Style which is one of 4 styles: Diverging, Assimilating, Converging, and Accommodating.
> I think it was 2 pages. I found a version on the internet to use but it was 50 questions and took too long for students to answer. I used the version I am seeking to create groups during my first TBL class and it worked extremely well.
> Thank you.
> Ellen Walker
> Brooklyn College
Bill Goffe
Senior Lecturer
Department of Economics
Penn State University
304 Kern Building
University Park, PA 16802
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